Hi :) Hola, Buongiorno.
I'm Juan. But on my ID I'm Juan Miguel.
(80% Argentinian, 10% Italian and the rest still to be discovered).

When I started to think on becoming a Designer, I pictured myself as an Artist. “What's the difference?” I thought. Well I'm a big big brain, and a big big heart - and actually a big human being as well being almost 1,88cm.

By having almost 15 years on the field, I think I've slowly became a mixer blender of aptitudes, plugged into a quest. See, I view my work as an inner-calling. Trying to catch, and then translate, ideas and beauty. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with agencies, studios, bureaus, and artists.

I've pushed myself from Advertisement into Web Design. Then Branding. Then again into Technology, then Editorial, Branding again, Gardening, Cuisine, Guitar... and the list goes on. Conceptualization, Voice, Soul, Goals, Dreams. We can apply that even into a small graphic piece. Or at least, that's how I work. I think I’ve ever been an UX/UI Designer even before that term was born. I still haven't been able to answer the difference between Design and Art, and I love that.

A brand, is a spirit.
My goal, is to make that spirit sincere and approachable. Understandable - or maybe not. But communicative efficient. Behind each logo, website, prototype, book; behind each idea, there's a person. There's a story. There's a spirit.

First we need to play.
And every idea is dream material.
So I'd love to meet you :)

I commit myself to develop my whole potential and contribute to meaningful projects, yours. Currently living in Australia.

(+61) 0 413 568 630

PS. I'm 32. Being born on September 9th, 1991, being 9 - of course - my lucky number.